Help me
I'm addicted to coffee shops.
I spend about £10-£20 a week on them. Its strange because usually people say they are addicted to coffee but its not that,
I'm addicted to the places that serve the stuff.
I just get this warm feeling inside if i know that i am going to a coffee shop, i think its because i know that once i have
purchased my coffee
I've kind of hired my own space
with a table and chair for at least an hour and i can relax because i no that
I'm doing anything
el's because
I'm drinking a coffee. The thing is i
don't leave when
Ive finished the coffee i sit there like a crazy man just staring into space, although i quite like the idea of people thinking that i am
plotting something.
I think it all started when I used to go shopping with my girlfriend and as soon as she mentioned the word coffee shop i knew that i
wouldn't have to stand outside any fucking
women's changing rooms or look at clothes that she had no intention of buying in the first place for at least 30
mins, so it was
abit like my saviour for the day, this is probably where the warm feeling comes from.
I only drink
Americanos with a side order of
cream (please
don't judge me) or
espresso's which are both usually under £2.00 so
I'm OK for now but the other day i ventured to a
frapachino which is getting into dangerous
If anyone
el's has the same problem as me i would love to hear from them and maybe we can beat this thing together.
Thankyou for reading and listening
*By the way just as a little tip for people shopping with their girlfriends or just people who hate shopping with other people, instead of following the other person around in a dase of bordem play this little game.
Whilst they are looking at clothes say that you are going to go and look for an outfit for them to try on (they will be impressed that you have shown an interest) then when you come back make them try it on. It sounds abit crap at first but i really got into it. You can go too ways; the Gok Wan way where you actually try to find something that they like (which will give you a sence of achivement if you get it right) or my way to try and make them look as stupid as possible when they walk out of the changing room door.
It does help controll the pain.